2017 Annual Report

Emmanuelle Gattuso Toronto, Ontario $50 million donation accelerating the largest recruitment drive in the history of The Princess Margaret A gift of $50 million pledged in 2013 by Emmanuelle Gattuso, Allan Slaight and the Slaight family was instrumental in the landmark achievement of our BILLION DOLLAR CHALLENGE. This transformational gift is funding the recruitment of international medical superstars who are advancing progress in the cutting-edge fields of epigenetics, bioinformatics, immunotherapy, cancer genomics, molecular imaging, nanotechnology, stem cells and other important aspects of Personalized Cancer Medicine. This gift has empowered The Princess Margaret to recruit and support 10 of the world’s best and brightest scientific minds. This past year, the Gattuso Slaight gift enabled the leaders of our research team to recruit Dr. Faiyaz Notta — who is very excited about his work at The Princess Margaret. “I am eternally grateful for the generous support of the Gattuso Slaight Fund that helped to establish my laboratory,” says Dr. Notta. “Because of this gift, our group is now poised to target important research questions in pancreatic cancer.” The Gattuso Slaight Gift 22 | 2017 Report to Our Donors TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP